

As many of you know when Aegis tanked in August and I went back to work for Castle Rock & took a bit of a pay cut. I didn't have to many options but to put my house of up for sale. I put it on the market in October & finally got an offer in January. Their offer was contingent upon them selling their home in Payson. In February they received an offer and we moved on March 15th. What a blessing that was to be able to sell it that quick with the way the market was going. I was able to find a townhome closer to town and I have loved every minute of being here, especially since all of the boxes are officially put away. The only thing I have really missed about this house is my ward. I had an awesome ward and I was very sad to leave it. I have loved my new place for many reasons, the boys are able to catch the bus, I have a yard that is finished and someone else has to take care of it, it is close to town, I-15 & Highway 6. I am sure I could come up with many more reasons this move has been good but I think you get the picture.

1 comment:

Marci Jolley said...

And you moved??? WHAT? I am so lost.