Ok, I've been tagged. Here it goes....6 odd quirks about myself
1- I have a cow part in my head... I had surgery in 2003 and they cut out the bottom part of my skull and put a "PERICARDIUM PATCH" (i.e. stomach muscle of a cow) in place of what they cut out.
2- I am a little OCD... :) I like things to be put away and things to look clean.
3- I love to mow lawns... since I don't have one of my own I mow my grandparents every week. I also have to mow it a different direction every time I mow them. I love the look of a freshly mowed lawn when you can see the straight lines. (I know, no life here)
4- I was born on Friday the 13th... I blame my life's problems on that.
5- I remember dates of when things have happened in my life. We aren't talking about dates that you should remember like birthdays & anniversaries. We are talking about things that don't really need to be remembered. There is a 2 year period in my life that I don't want to remember and I seem to remember every little detail and date of those details. AUGH!!! Maybe I should write it all down, take it to the top of the mountain & burn it and maybe my brain will forget it. Surely I could use that space for something useful that I should be remembering. lol
6- I have MOVED 13 times in 13 years... From Manti (19 1/2 yrs.) to Ephraim (6 mo.), to Orem (1 yr.), to Provo (2 yr.), to Mt. Pleasant (5 mo.), to Mt. Pleasant (7 mo.), to Springville (6 mo.), to Manti (3 mo.), to Springville (1 yr.), to Springville (6 mo.), to Springville (2 1/2 yrs.), to Spanish Fork (3 yrs), to Spanish Fork (7 months and counting.)
Well for not thinking I had 1 single QUIRK I guess it's good I had to stop at 6 or I would definately start revealing "TO MUCH INFORMATION" about me... I tag Angie, Jen, Michelle, Karlie, Andria & Heather Lewis.